An open stage for sharing inspiration
Artistic thinking and acting feeds on inspirations, sources and references that are as individual as they are diverse. To close the exhibition Soft Capsules, the Kunstverein Braunschweig is presenting an event entirely dedicated to the theme of artistic inspiration. Following the principle of an Open Stage, artists participating in the exhibition will present short texts, images and videos that are significant for their artistic work and thus provide a unique insight into their work. In keeping with the principle of dialogue, the event also offers visitors the opportunity to present their own sources of inspiration. Whether image, text, scent or sound - all impressions are welcome!
With contributions by Sonja Doberauer, Boris von Hopffgarten, Jonas Nölke, Mira Siering and others.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Yours Kunstverein Braunschweig
Note: If you wish to present digital image material, please bring this with you to the event on a USB stick.
We kindly ask you to observe current hygiene rules during your visit and wear an FFP2 or medical face mask.