Daniel Lie + Juliana dos Santos
Das, was nicht geerbt werden kann / Aquilo que não se herda
Daniel Lie’s and Juliana dos Santos’ artistic work is essentially characterized by performative installations and drawings. Lie is of Indonesian-Brazilian descent and Santos is an African-descent artist. Their socio-geographical backgrounds run throughout their artistic practice, forming the basis for much of their individual as well as collaborative research and investigation. For the Remise of the Kunstverein, the artists are developing a duo exhibition in which they hope to continue a dialogue that began nearly a decade ago, based on their own personal biographies.
The exhibition Das, was nicht geerbt werden kann / Aquilo que não se herda (What is not inherited) is inspired by the drawings of two people that played a key role in both of the artists’ lifes. Lie observess spontaneous scribbles and sketches made during telephone conversations by Iranilda da Costa; Juliana dos Santo’s works are based on Eliana de Oliveiras’ notebooks of study and geometric drawing exercises. Starting from these found drawings and symbols, both artists developed further techniques as a creative exercise that go beyond their individual poetic research. The aim of these exercises is to explore the found drawings and images of Iranilda and Eliana in other forms and materials – on paper, as volumes or as shadows and light – and thus enter into a new poetic encounter.
What is not inherited can be all that is not transferable, that is unique, inseparable from a person: their traces, lines, handwriting and drawings. For the Kunstverein, Lie and Santos make visible the connections between the drawings of Iranilda and Eliana, both of whom played a crucial role in the affective and artistic development of the artists.
Eliana de Oliveira became the mother of Juliana dos Santos in 1987 and Iranilda da Costa became the mother of Daniel Lie in 1988.
Daniel Lie was born in 1988 and currently lives and works in Berlin. Lie is gender non-binary artist and has a degree in Fine Arts and a degree in Teaching Fine Arts at São Paulo State University (UNESP). In 2022, Lie's first solo exhibition in the U.S. was Unnamed Entities at the New Museum, New York. Other solo exhibitions include Scales of Decay, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (2021); TOKO BUKU LIONG, Cemeti Institute for Art and Society, Yogyakarta (2020); Human Supremacy: The failed project, Casa do Povo São Paulo (2019); and The Negative Years, Jupiter Art Land, Edinburgh (2019). Lie has received multiple grants and residencies and participated in various group exhibitions.
Juliana Dos Santos, born in 1987 in São Paulo holds a Master’s degree in Art/Education and is a doctoral student in Arts at the Institute of Arts, São Paulo State University (UNESP) and has been a guest lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in Art History and is currently a lecturer at the Instituto de Artes (UNESP). She is part of the coordination of the Human Rights Commission and the Center for Black Researchers at UNESP (Nupe-IA). In 2020, she participated in the Vila Sul residency program of the Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia. Solo exhibitions include Quando a cor chega, no azul, 31o Programa de Exposição Centro Cultural, São Paulo (2022/2021), Between Blue and What I Don't Leave / Let Forget, Season Paço das Artes project, MIS-SP, São Paulo (2019). She also participated in several group exhibitions.
Curator: Nuno de Brito Rocha
Curatorial assistance: Gesa Vorpahl
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